If you have a the occasional case of bad breath then you might not be terribly concerned by an infrequent bout of this problem, if however you have frequent bad breath then you know how much of a pain it can be. You likely have tried gum and mouthwash, brushing every chance you can get and still nothing…no results. So how can you really fight bad breath and get to the cause of your problem? When in doubt you should always see a dentist because they will be able to tell you conclusively what the cause of your bad breath is and also have the best tools at their disposal to fight it. If however you want to start your battle at home you can try some of the following tips and techniques.
One of the first things to consider when fighting chronic bad breath is to consider the foods that you are eating. We all know that foods that contain onion and garlic can stay in your system for a long time. You might not even be aware of the fact that you have bad breath after eating something heavy with garlic. The only thing that you can really do in this case is to wait it out. Using mouthwash will only mask the problem, not eliminate it, so your only recourse is to wait and avoid eating meals heavy in ingredients that will cause bad breath. Of course this might seem like a simple explanation, but sometimes it is difficult to avoid the foods that we love that contain these ingredients. Also, foods like garlic have other health benefits that should not be avoided. Sometimes you might just have to deal with this type of temporary bad breath the best you can until it passes.
Another thing that can cause bad breath is excessively dry mouth. This often occurs when you sleep and have either an illness that requires a medication that will dry you out, or you sleep with your mouth open because you are unable to breath through your nose. In this case mouthwash and toothpaste will only mask the problem for the most part. What may help is a specialized mouth rinse made for dry mouth. Of course good oral hygiene will help as well and keeping your teeth brushed and flossed should help lessen the growth of bacteria.
If the above two methods don’t help then you really should go and see a dentist. The cause of your bad breath could be something more severe and it is really worth having a trained professional examine your mouth to see what the underlying issue might be. A dentist can often help to avoid these types of issues as well by offering frequent cleanings and checkups to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. Ultimately the best advice when you are fighting bad breath is to seek the attention of a medical professional, namely a dentist, who will be able to guide you along the way towards good breath and a healthy smile.
A leading dental practice offering Cosmetic Dentistry in Raleigh, North Carolina and that is committed to delivering high quality dental services and exceptional patient care have provided the information for this article. They are led by a knowledgable dentist who offers a wide variety of dental treatments, including expertise in oral care.
A leading dental practice in North Carolina practicing http://www.raleighnccosmeticdentist.com/ Raleigh Cosmetic Dentistry that is committed to offering high quality dental services and exceptional patient care. Led by a great http://www.raleighnccosmeticdentist.com/ Raleigh Cosmetic Dentist in NC t